Biomedical imaging mass spectrometry

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Atmospheric pressure imaging mass spectrometry is a rapidly expanding field that offers advantages in the ability to study biological systems in their native condition. It offers simplified sample preparation, and high-throughput capabilities. In atmospheric pressure infrared matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (AP IR-MALDI) and in laser ablation electrospray ionization (LAESI), a focused mid-infrared laser beam is used to couple energy to the native water content of the biological tissue. The ablated material can be directly analyzed by a mass spectrometer (AP IR-MALDI). To improve the ion yield, in LAESI the ionization of the ablated neutrals is accomplished by electrospray ionization. Both AP IR-MALDI and LAESI are capable of lateral imaging of tissues, whereas LAESI can also be used for depth profiling and three-dimensional imaging.


119/ P. Nemes and A. Vertes, “Atmospheric-pressure Molecular Imaging of Biological Tissues and Biofilms by LAESI Mass Spectrometry,” J. Visualized Experiments, 2010, 43,
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112/P. Nemes, A. S. Woods and A. Vertes, “Simultaneous Imaging of Small Metabolites and Lipids in Rat Brain Tissues at Atmospheric Pressure by Laser Ablation Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry,” Anal. Chem., 2010, 82, 982-988. Supporting information.

109/ P. Nemes, A. A. Barton and A. Vertes, “Three-Dimensional Imaging of Metabolites in Tissues under Ambient Conditions by Laser Ablation Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry,” Anal. Chem., 2009, 81, 6668-6675. Supporting information. Supporting video.

105/ A. Vertes, P. Nemes, B. Shrestha, A. A. Barton, Z. Chen and Y. Li,”Molecular Imaging by Mid-IR Laser Ablation Mass Spectrometry,” Appl. Phys. A, 2008, 93, 885-891.

103/ P. Nemes, A. A. Barton, Y. Li and A. Vertes, “Ambient Molecular Imaging and Depth Profiling of Live Tissue by Infrared Laser Ablation Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry,” Anal. Chem., 2008, 80, 4575-4582. Supporting information. (Accelerated Article)